Saturday, May 3, 2014

Word Count Goals

Word Count Goals

32334 words into my current project

Last month, I participated in April NaNoWriMo, otherwise known as Camp NaNoWriMo. It's an online event where a whole lot of writers from all over the world get together and write a whole lot of words. You set your wordcount goal, and they calculate how many words a day you have to write to reach that goal. Since I must keep my grades up, I only did 20,000 words this months. That sounds like a lot, but it adds up to 666 words a day.

The normal wordcount goal is 50,000 words. I did this last July. Since there are 31 days in july, I had to write 1613 words every day. and let me just say, that isn't impossible if you love writing. But it's not easy. But I actually finished, finishing my second novel. (Well, 1st draft.)

I'm quite bad at setting word count goals for myself though. I have tried, but don't do very well. The past two months, I've been using a program called ywriter (google it. I don't have a link for the site. Sorry!) It shows you how many words you've written that day and each of the previous days. This helps, but I don't always check it. This is why I do Nano.

Even though I am so far in my novel, (word count for all including both nano words and from before is @ the top) I still am not done. I know this story will add up to more the 50,000 words. I hope 60,000, but I have never written that much.

My advice for you all is to try nano if you struggle with finishing as I do. Or if you are able to do it on your own, set your own wordcount. Either way, write something every day.

Now that NaNoWriMo is over, I haven't written in the novel every day, but I still try to write something. Sometimes it is a fanfiction. Sometimes it is a short story. Sometimes it's an essay. Today, it's a blogpost.

Now, I'm going to go write.

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